With “text” in the subject – Create a rule as per particular words in the email’s subject.With specific words in the message header – This condition will require you to define the words that must be in the message header.Assigned to any category – Creates rule that looks into any of the available categories.With specific words in the sender’s address – Define the words that are included in the sender’s address.With specific words in the recipient’s address – Define the words that are included in the recipient’s address.With specific words in the body – This condition will require you to define the words that must be in the body.Marked with sensitivity – Requires you to choose from different sensitivity options: Normal, Personal, Private, or Confidential.Marked as importance – You will have to choose from different importance options: Low, Normal, or High.From – Create a rule based on the email from a particular address.Note: click the conditions in blue, to see examples of how these conditions are used